Counselling for Children & Teens
Just like adults, children and teens may have lots going on in their lives that may be difficult to understand and move through. Like adults, they are on a journey of discovery as they encounter difficult times. Unfortunately, they may not as yet have the experience to equip themselves with the skills necessary to cope with their unique difficulty.
It is vitally important for children and teens to have caring adults that they can trust and talk with to help them on their journey of development. Sometimes they just need someone different to parents and family to talk with, and that’s ok. It is said “that it takes a village to raise a child”, however in this modern time, that village is not always available to lend a hand. This is where counselling can assist.
“Simon develops unique, caring and trusting relationships with children & teens.”
Children & teens are wonderful human beings possessing unique qualities awaiting discovery and enhancement. Sometimes life’s challenges can hamper & delay this discovery, delaying them from reaching their full potential. Life can be significantly easier for them if they can be guided through these difficulties earlier in life in ways that highlight their strengths and unique qualities. Counselling can provide assistance to children & teens to help them on their path so that they need not carry these difficulties into adulthood.
What does counselling for children and teens look like?
As each young one is unique, so must be the manner in which we work together.
Once you make contact, we will have a brief discussion over the phone to discuss your concerns, at this time we will decide upon the next step. Often, this may look like a session with the parent/s first and then commence sessions with the young one. These sessions may be with the parent & young one together, separate from the parent, or a combination of both where appropriate. Together with you and your young one, we will decide upon the desired level of feedback & communication that you will receive whilst we work together.
For children & teens, our work together will be positive, engaging, fun and developmentally appropriate.
How do I get through this?
Sometimes young ones can become stuck in grief, anxiety, sadness, anger and shock. Traumatic events, unexpected changes, bullying, & feelings of “failure” can impact them deeply.
Together we will work together in unique and engaging ways to help them make meaning of these experiences, develop new skills & strategies, & improve self-esteem so that they may walk tall & feel better equipped for tomorrow.
OMG Relationships are tough!
Just like adults, young ones experience difficulties in relationships, be that within their family, personal life, or employment.
Together we will work to understand these relationship experiences & develop new relational skills that assist them to create & maintain respectful, trusting, safe and rewarding relationships with friends, family, and others.
School Or exam worries?
School can be both a wonderful and difficult time for young ones. Difficulties with experiences of bullying, academic or behavioural challenges, transitioning to high school, attendance issues, HSC exam, and “next step” stress can create significant distress for young ones & their families.
Together we will work to understand what is happening and develop unique ways to resolve the issues so that your loved may enjoy their best educational experience and success.